A furnace for smelting iron ores, such as haematite
or magnetite (Fe3O4), to make pig iron.
The furnace is a tall refractory-lined cylindrical
structure that is charged at the top with the dressed
ore, coke, and a flux, usually limestone.
The conversion
of the iron oxides to metallic iron is a reduction
process in which carbon monoxide and hydrogen are
the reducing agents. The overall reaction can be summarized
+ 2CO2 + 2H2
__> 3Fe +2CO2 + 2H2O.
The CO is obtained within
the furnace by blasting the coke with hot air from
a ring of tuyeres about two-thirds of the way down
the furnace. The reaction producing the CO is 2C +
O2 __> 2CO.
In most blast furnaces hydrocarbons
(oil, gas, tar, etc.) are added to the blast to provide
a source of hydrogen. In the modern direct-reduction
process the CO and H2 may be produced separately
so that the reduction process can proceed at a lower
temperature. The pig iron is produced by a blast furnace
contains about 4% carbon and further refining is usually
required to produce steel or cast iron.