A chemical element of the rare-earth metals that
is very magnetic at low temperatures, superconductive,
and has the highest rate of neutron absorption of
any element. Symbol Gd; at. Wt.157.25; at no. 64:
sp.gr. 7.9004; melt, pt, 1313°C; boil pt., 3273°C
Occurs in gadolinite, xenotime, monazite, and residues
from uranium ores. Found limited applications in
nuclear technology and in ferromagnetic alloys.
Used in electronic componenets.
It was named by (1886) by P.E L. de Boisbaudran (1838-1912),
Fr. chemist, and J.C.G de Marignac(1817-94), Swiss
chemist, who had each isolated it in honor of J.Gadolin.